Discover AI in Daily Life

Learn about the benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence while exploring Quick, Draw!, AutoDraw, Google Translate, and Google Slides.

Example outcome

Lesson details

Learning objectives

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
  • Provide a basic explanation of how artificial intelligence works
  • Discuss some benefits and challenges of using artificial intelligence
  • Identify a few well-known tools that use artificial intelligence
  • Provide examples of how artificial intelligence is used around the world on a typical day

Time to complete

45—90 minutes


  • High School
  • Late Elementary
  • Middle School

Digital tools

  • Icon representing the AutoDraw toolAutoDraw
  • Icon representing the Docs toolDocs
  • Icon representing the Quick, Draw! toolQuick, Draw!
  • Icon representing the Slides toolSlides
  • Icon representing the Translate toolTranslate


  • Creating a report
  • Critical thinking
  • Presentation formatting
  • Slide design
  • Slide hyperlinks
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