Negotiate Your Salary

Learn what to do before you sit down with your supervisor to ask for a raise, including steps to help you gather facts, organize your thoughts and information, and decide whether this is the right time to ask for a raise.

Example outcome

Lesson details

Learning objectives

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
  • Organize information about their job and skills in a document
  • Search the internet for information about their job, region, and pay rate
  • Organize information in a table about how their qualifications match employer priorities
  • Write a script they can use to talk to their manager about a pay raise

Time to complete

45—90 minutes


  • Post-16

Digital tools

  • Icon representing the Docs toolDocs
  • Icon representing the Gmail toolGmail
  • Icon representing the Search toolSearch
  • Icon representing the Sheets toolSheets


  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Document formatting
  • Internet search
  • Spreadsheet design